Tag Archives: straightening

That could have ended horribly….

28 Feb

iron(photo from sxc.hu)

Well, I have to give it to 70’s ingenuity. Straightening your hair with an iron works well, and gives more smoothness and shine than a typical hair straightener.
While attempting to salvage a dry-clean only dress that got put through the wash, I was ironing all the wrinkles out (Yes, horrible, but at this point I don’t think I could have made the situation worse). And while doing this, I looked at my hair in the mirror and had a lovely idea. “Why not try to straighten my hair! They did it back in the 70’s” said my brain. I did, and it worked swimmingly. It wasn’t till after that I realized that if I had messed up I could have had some gnarly burns on my face. So despite the shine my hair currently has, I think I’ll stick with my modern hair straightener.
Has anyone else tried this? How did it work out for you?